Posted by Yoga Herts on
01/04/2022 We’re onto the third Chakra now for our theme of the month which will be the Manipura Chakra, read on for more information...
Posted by Yoga Herts on
22/02/2022 For the next five weeks through March we’ll be focusing our attention on the Swadhisthana (Sacral) Chakra, read on for more information...
Posted by Yoga Herts on
26/01/2022 For the next seven months we’re going to be going over the Chakras, starting in Febraury with the Muladhara Chakra or, the Root Chakra...
Posted by Yoga Herts on
23/11/2021 In the run up to Xmas our theme will be ’The Power Lies Within You’. Awaken, reconnect to your strength, focus on now and realise the power of your mind...
Posted by Yoga Herts on
28/09/2021 Octobers theme will be focusing the ways within our practice that can help in reducing the effects of stress in our lives...
Posted by Yoga Herts on
02/09/2021 Over the next five weeks we’ll be looking at the five elements and how we can fit them into our yoga practice to bring balance to our lives...
Posted by Yoga Herts on
04/07/2021 We’re back teaching again which means there’s a theme for the rest of May and June. Vicky will be using the theme of Root to Rise stretching the next seven weeks...'