
Classes Returning

Yoga Herts Posted by Yoga Herts on
Tuesday 11 August 2020

We’re really pleased to let you know that we’ll be returning to teaching indoor classes at various dates, starting from 19th August 2020. Not all of our classes are returning yet as we’ve still not heard from a few venues.

We’ll be teaching new and temporary classes at a new venue in Broxbourne to try and make up for the classes still not returning.

As always we like to keep things as simple as possible, so carry on reading below for more information.

Returning & Not Returning Classes

Cedars Park with smallers numbers (for now) and Goffs-Churchgate Academy are returning but Goffs Oak Methodist Church and Mayhem Afternoon and evening aren’t back just yet.

MondayGoffs Oak Methodist Church9:30am - 10:45am
MondayMayhem Main Dance Studio1:30pm - 2:30pm
TuesdayCedars Park Meeting Room10:30am - 11:30am
TuesdayCedars Park Meeting Room12:00pm - 1:00pm
ThursdayGoffs-Churchgate Academy7:30pm - 8:30pm
Not Returning
MondayMayhem Back Studio7:30pm - 8:30pm

Unless anything drastically changes, it looks like Mayhem evening class won’t be returning but we have set up a new class at The Space in the Park Pavilion in Broxbourne to take it’s place.

We’re really sorry about this, and it’s not our choice but we had to weigh a few things up with Nicole at Mayhem, and also try and second guess a few things too and felt it would be better to move the class. We’re gutted as it feels like almost two years of hard work down the drain for us.

New Classes

We’re pleased to be starting a new Sunday morning class at The Space in Broxbourne and also starting a new Monday evening class to replace the Mayhem evening class.

New Classes
MondayThe Space Broxbourne7:30pm - 8:30pm
SundayThe Space Broxbourne10:00am - 11:00am

Temporary Classes

Some of you won’t be aware but we were also baby-sitting some classes for another yoga teacher but those classes still aren’t returning so we’ve added a temporary class at The Space in Broxbourne (which is just across from the original venue) to help until the Methodist Church in Broxbourne opens again, then this class will stop.

Please note that if you’re from Lyn Ragg’s classes please just get used to reserving a space through the booking site for us, it makes running classes much easier. You can text us or email too if you want us to reserve a space, it’s no hassle.

Temporary Classes
WednesdayThe Space, Broxbourne7:30pm - 8:30pm

Class Price Increase

It’s obviously been a difficult time for us yoga wise, and our prices have stayed the same for two years now, and some of our venue hire will be increasing when we start back. We know lots of you have been telling us we should have done this a while back but when we return, all classes will be £10. Hopefully if we get settled again we’ll look to do something like second class £5 again, or something along those lines.

Online Classes Continue

We’re going to continue doing an online class each week. These will be 45mins, and Vicky will try to incoporate as much from the weeks regular classes as possible. They’ll continue to be free or donation based, whichever you can afford or prefer.

How You Return

This isn’t as tricky as you may think. Come to class, stand on your mat, and do yoga.

It’s our intention that in class, things carry on as before. To continue your practice and enjoy it you’re going to have to be in a room with people - there’s risk with everything you do in life but fortunately coming to yoga is going to be the least of your worries. However, we do recommend driving safe on the way to class, and looking both ways when crossing the road.

You’re not walking biohazards, you never were, and you never will be, and you certainly aren’t to us. If you feel a bit under the weather, don’t come to class, it’s really very simple.

You might want to (though you certainly don’t have to) buy your own mat but it’s entirely up to you. We’ll be washing ours as always, and classes will be set up more or less as before.

We seriously don’t recommend doing any kind of exercise in a mask. We’re sorry, but rows of masks is not something we want to see in our classes. Vicky wants to see smiling faces unless you’re in boat or plank pose!

If you feel you need to keep washing your hands, it might be better to bring your own hand sanitizer so you know you’ve always got enough.

We are taking cash in classes, and will continue to do so…

If you’re coming back to classes, for heavens sake, just relax and make the most of it, enjoy the socialising, who knows how long it will be for…

Outdoor Classes Now Finished

We have decided to stop our outdoor classes now due to the weather becoming a bit unreliable recently. Hopefuly they’ll return in the summer next year depending on how things go…

Thank You

The support we’ve recieved for the online classes has surprised us and made a genuine difference the last five months. We really are very grateful to all of you.

We also want to thank Michael at Gisby Harrison Solicitors for giving us the oppotunity to teach the outdoor classes the way we have. We know how much it has helped some of you, and it’s been good for Vicky too.

We’d also like to thank David for letting us use The Space at Broxbourne and for his flexibility regarding Cedars Park.

We can’t emphasise enough that we want you to come back to classes as you always did. We will never teach sterile, inhumane classes as it’s simply not yoga. If things come to that then I’m afraid we’ll stop teaching long before you stop coming.

You can book up for all the classes now through the usual booking site (black button at top of site if you’re new). Remember you can book/reserve up to four weeks in front but some classes might not be up yet, as dates for coming back are a bit staggered.

A few dates for starting back are still subject to change, but we’ll let you know if they do.

Please get in touch if you have any questions, and we’ll look forward to seeing you in class.

View New Timetable

Don’t move the way fear makes you move. Move the way love makes you move. Move the way joy makes you move.