Sahasrara chakra
Theme of the Month

August Theme of the Month

Yoga Herts Posted by Yoga Herts on
Saturday 30 July 2022

In line with our theme of the Seven Chakras, the next four weeks we will use poses, breathing and visualisation/relaxation techniques to tap into our last energy centre which is the Crown Chakra.

Sahasrara also known as the Crown Chakra is represented by a 1,000 petal lotus and the colors violet and white.

The location is the crown of the head and one inch above the head. Sahasrara means “thousand petals” and the number, one thousand, is given to signify the infinite.

Sahasrara Chakra unifies the human mind with the higher self and takes us beyond the existence of space and time. This chakra is associated with wisdom, enlightenment, and transcendence.

Associated with consciousness and becoming aware of our own awareness. Awaken the body, inner spaciousness, clarity, wisdom and joy.

Through our yoga practice we can work with directing energy to the crown centre by coming into posture that lifts the crown of the head upwards, refine the awareness toward a meditative state, and direct the prana toward surrender. Also poses that stimulate the crown of the head such as inversions and forward folds.

When the Crown Chakra is balanced, you are thoughtful, open-minded, and feel at ease and in harmony with the world around you. Mentally, the ability to situate yourself in the world around you brings relaxation and allows you to feel clear headed.

August - Sahasrara (Crown Chakra)

Colour - Violet/white
Element - Pure light
Location - Crown of the head
Related Body Parts - Head, brain and nervous system
Postures to Work With - sitting still, drawing inward and upward and inversions
Properties - stillness, inner spaciousness, presence, intelligence, awareness, knowledge, understanding and grace

Week 1 - Presence - At the core of yoga is the breath, and one of the simplest ways to access the present moment is by breathing with awareness. As you move into and hold poses you bring your entire being into the present moment, and into the pose. When we open ourselves up completely to the present moment, we experience the true depth and beauty of what our lives and our yoga practice has to offer. Tap into the true healing nature of yoga when you bring more presence and awareness to your breath and movement.

Week 2 - Physically, the crown chakra governs our brain and nervous system which is the body’s centres of knowledge and information. It’s associated with our spiritual awareness, connection to the universe and inner wisdom. As we come to the mat, slow down, sink into stillness and silence, cultivate awareness of the present moment and connect to your limitless source and connection to something greater. The crown chakra energy is said to be the seat of the True Self, beyond all limitations of the mind and body.

Week 3 - Unite Your Body and Mind - Through yoga harness the awareness to unlock your true potential. As you align mind, body & soul, Integrate your entire being from head to toe. The crown chakra is the meeting point between the physical body and the universe and soul. Through quietening the mind and slowing down when we come to our mat, we cultivate qualities that bring feelings of serenity, joy, and deep peace about life.

Week 4 - Pure Bliss - The element of the crown chakra is thought and through developing qualities through our practice of awareness, insight, being present, connection and uniting the mind, body and soul we may notice those enlightened moments that can come any time. Let this practice open you to the possibility and witness those moments of grace that arrive. When you start to immerse yourself in the energy of the seventh chakra, you feel a state of blissful unity with everything around you. The crown chakra enables you to move beyond materialistic needs and to connect with the universe as a whole.

You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in a drop.

This Month’s Music

Here’s the usual selection of music that Vicky has been listening to this month.

Aman GloryMindful Focus
Sacred EarthStillness
Tejal YannSpiritual Awakening
Clair OaksYogash Chitta Vrtti Nirodaha
Gaiea SanskritAum
Miracle Tones and Solfeggio Healing Frequency 852HzReset the Mind
Maya FiennesDeep Relaxation