Root Chakra
Theme of the Month

February Theme of the Month

Yoga Herts Posted by Yoga Herts on
Wednesday 26 January 2022

The chakra system originated in India thousands of years ago. The word chakra comes from Sanskrit and translates as ‘wheel’. They are points of energy throughout the body and they make up what is our subtle body or centres of energy. The subtle body is something that we can’t see but we can feel energetically.

The main chakras are the seven centres of subtle energy running from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Our bodies, our mind, emotions, thoughts and actions and everything that surrounds us is made up of energy.

Working with the chakras can help you to feel balanced and whole and allow you to come into a better harmony with your own body.

For the next seven months we will focus on one chakra at a time, as we work with poses, movements, breathing, visualisations, meditations and relaxations to help us understand and connect with our energy centres. Each month we will work on just one breathing practice which will change the following month allowing you to build up and really get familiar with the different techniques.

Each week of the month will be slightly different with a different focus on that month’s chakra. With our poses there will a chance to develop them and find good alignment and variations of a pose. We will also have a look each month at a challenging pose which we will break down and build up over that month and repetition is a great way to practice as each week you may notice a change in the pose for yourself. Of course, it doesn’t matter at all if you miss some weeks as each class will have its own mini theme that week.

February - Muladhara (Root Chakra)

Colour – Red
Element – Earth
Location – Base of spine
Related Body Parts – Legs, feet, bones and large intestine
Yoga Poses to Work With – Standing poses, stretch and strengthen legs
Properties – Grounded, stable and solid

Week 1 – Feel the connection to the earth – Feet and toes
Week 2 - Breathe and lengthen – Stretching the legs
Week 3 - Root and anchor – Strengthen the legs
Week 4 - Sthira Sukham – Steadiness and ease

Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality that you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. It is physics.

This Month’s Music

Here’s the usual selection of music that Vicky has been listening to this month.

Joshua Stoddard and Porter SingerClearing
IlluminaAdi Shakti Mantra
Benjy Wertheimer and John de KadtTabla Breath
Benjy WertheimerRemembrance
Sacred EarthStillness
MandharuRay of Light
Miracle Tones and Solfeggio Healing741 Hz Dissolve Toxins and Electromagnetic Radiations
Steven Halpern3rd Chakra E 3.0