Sleeping Dog

Yoga Q&A No. 6

Yoga Herts Posted by Yoga Herts on
Wednesday 19 February 2020
Yoga Q&A No. 6
Day: Thursday 7:30pm - 8:30pm.
Venue: Goffs-Churchgate Academy.
Hobbies/Activities: Music & Football.
Cobra pose

Favourite Pose: Cobra

What initially made you look for a yoga class, and roughly how long have you practised?

“I wanted to start again as I’d really enjoyed attending classes previously elsewhere. 20 years.”

Had you ever practiced yoga before and if you did what made you stop?

“Yes both normal and hot yoga – I struggled to find classes to suit.”

What do you feel benefits you the most from coming to classes?

“My mental health.”

Why don’t more men do yoga
Is there a part of yoga that you struggle with in particular, maybe a particular pose you don’t enjoy, or maybe the hardest pose of all, savasana?

“Not really.”

Since coming to classes have you ever bought any books on yoga, and if so which one/ones, and what did you learn from them?


Is there a particular pose that you feel benefits you above others and why? Do you have a favourite posture and why?

“I don’t think so. My favourite is Cobra as I like the way it feels when I’m doing the pose.”

Enjoy least about yoga
Do you ever practice at home, or is it something you never find time for unless you come to a class?

“I’d like to but haven’t got round to doing it. I’ve done the occasional balance pose though.”

If people know about your yoga practice what’s their general reaction to it, and if you practiced a long time ago have people’s attitudes towards it changed nowadays?

“Generally positive – I don’t think so.""

Was yoga something you never thought would be for you, and does it surprise you that you’re still taking classes after all this time?

“I don’t think so. No as I enjoy it so much.”

If you were a yoga pose

Submit Your Own Q&A

If you already come along to class, and are interested in doing the Q&A yourself, then just click the button below to email and get in touch about filling one in, and when we put it on the Blog we’ll give you a free class.