On 3rd November we'll be running a yoga class and gong bath with Vicky and Dipika Jinabhai at the Nigel Copping Building...
Our seventh extended class is on Sunday 6th October 2019, and will be focusing on the Sahasrara Chakra, or Crown Chakra...
We're looking at another sequence this month that we've also practiced in our outdoor summer classes. We've added another guide that we hope you might find useful...
With August Bank Holiday coming up and also our own holiday, we wanted to let you know about class dates through the summer...
For August we'll be moving onto the second of the Five Koshas, the Pranamaya Kosha. Have a quick look at our short video inside...
Throughout July we've been looking at a kneeling Sun Salutation sequence which many of you have enjoyed. So we've made a guide and video...
Last Sunday was finally our charity yoga event in aid of Isabel Hospice. Find out how it went and what was raised inside...
We've gone through all the Vayu's over the last six months, and we turn our attenion to the Koshas now for the rest of the year, starting with the Annamaya Kosha...
Vicky becomes the HERTS BWY Representative, with Richard becoming the HERTS BWY Events Organiser. Find out more...
For three months this summer we're going to running some outdoor yoga classes at Goffs Oak House in Goffs Oak on Gisby Harrison Solicitors beautiful lawn...
Though May's bank holidays and Vicky's bug made things quiet, we have only just found time to do our free class draw. Find out if you won a free class to use in June inside...