An eye close up
Theme of the Month

October Theme of the Month

Yoga Herts Posted by Yoga Herts on
Sunday 27 September 2020

It’s been really nice to be back teaching classes this month and it’s been very interesting talking to everyone. Mainly it’s just been good to see people getting a much needed, normal, regular, relaxed, yoga practice - we’re really grateful to all of you for coming along, and can see the good it’s done for so many of you.

It’s been six months since Vicky’s last theme of the month video but have a watch of the short video above as she briefly goes through what the theme for the next two months will be based on. Vicky bases each month of classes on a particular theme for those of you that are new to class.

Some photos of postures from classes are below, and also last months online classes if you’ve missed any too. Vicky’s favourite songs this month are also below. As we’re sending less newsletters now her playlist will be on the website each month instead.

Photos From This Months Classes

Revolved lunge
Intense side stretch
Single leg raise
Standing splits pose
Standing forward fold
Warrior I pose

The Five Niyamas - Svadhyaya

The theme for the next couple of months is from the Five Niyamas, you can have a look at the video above but Svadhyaya translates directly from Sanskrit and it’s literal meaning is self-study. It has the potential to deepend our yoga practice beyond the mat.

The study of sacred texts such as The Bhagavad Gita, The Upanishads, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and The Hatha Yoga Pradipika allows us to develop the study of the self (self knowledge). This self awareness allows us to re-address and balance our lives which leads to a deeper awareness of the Self or soul.

Photos From This Months Classes

Reverse Warrior
Warrior I
Warrior III

Dare to reach into the darkness, to pull someone into the the light. Remember strong people not only stand up for themselves, they stand up for others too.

Half moon pose variation
Low lunge
Three legged downward dog

This Months Online Classes

Remember you can view all our classes over on our YouTube Channel. Just go to Playlists, then Yoga Classes. You can do them for free or by PayPal donation whatever suits you best in your current situation. Classes will closely mirror what’s been going in class each week.

DateVideo Link
01/09/2020The Niyamas - Tapas Week 3
08/09/2020The Niyamas - Tapas Week 4
15/09/2020The Niyamas - Tapas Week 5
22/09/2020The Niyamas - Tapas Week 6

This Month’s Music

Vicky is going to put a playlist up of 10 songs she’s been listening to each month from now on and they’ll be listed below for you to have a look through as it proved so popular while we were doing classes online and sending more newsletters.

Suyana and ShastroFlight of the Swans Live
Nada Sadhana and Kevin CourtneyOpening Within
Nada Sadhana and Kevin CourtneyThree Aums
Tracey ChatterwayRise
NamasteShiva Shambo
Snatum KaurMul Mantra
Edo and JoOm Guru (Trust Within)
KaruneshCalling Wisdom
Snatum KaurSuni Ai (Listening Meditation)