Burning Matchstick
Theme of the Month

October Theme of the Month

Yoga Herts Posted by Yoga Herts on
Saturday 29 September 2018

I can’t believe September has almost gone already. Autumn can be a beautiful time of the year though even if it does remind us that winter is just around the corner.

I’ve really enjoyed teaching Santosha this month, and am looking forward to focusing on our third niyama, and theme for next month, Tapas. It’s also been really nice and rewarding to see both Cedars Park and Goffs Oak so busy lately, it’s a great feeling.

We will start the new theme at Goffs Oak Methodist Church class 9:30am Monday morning…

First of my Once Monthly Videos

It’s been hard work, but below are the first of my once monthly videos (for now). There will be more over time, and I hope you enjoy them…

September Theme of the Month Recap

There is some information here on the Niyamas that I mention in the video if you don’t view it on Youtube. I hope you find it useful.

October Theme of the Month

Hoddesdon and Stanstead Abbotts Classes

Next week is the start of my new classes too, so I’m a bit nervous but also really looking forward to it, and also to teaching yoga to new people! If you’re coming to one of my new classes, I hope the videos above give you an idea of what to expect. And if you see this post, I look forward to meeting you next week.