Balancing Stones
Theme of the Month

November Theme of the Month

Yoga Herts Posted by Yoga Herts on
Saturday 3 November 2018

It’s been a busy month for us starting our new classes, and mostly with some pleasing results, meeting some really lovely new people along the way. It’s been great to see them enjoying our classes, and feeling for the most part, that they want to come back too.

We’ve had some nice feedback from some of you in passing as well, and while it might not seem much to you, to have people say that they feel the yoga classes are helping them, and in some cases under really trying times, it really does mean a lot, and goes some way to making us feel we’re doing the right thing. Yoga isn’t all about the physical practice.

October Theme of the Month Recap

Tapas was very different to teach compared to Santosha in September, as its very much more related to discipline, determination and transformation. This is somewhat easier to get across in class as it can relate to holding more challenging postures when you might otherwise feel like coming out of them.

Through our yoga practice our physical body can start to change, and the way we think and feel can begin to change too. That is the fire of transformation.

November Theme of the Month

Next month the theme will be Svadhyaya which is the study of the self. Any activity which culivates self reflective consciousness can be considered Svadhyaya.

The word Svadhyaya also means study of ancient texts, so we will be looking at some of that in class over the next month too. I hope it helps to give some of you an interesting insight into some of the history behind yoga.

As always, we will start the new theme at Goffs Oak Methodist Church class 9:30am Monday morning…

Yoga is the practice of tolerating the consequences of being yourself.