Back of lady doing yoga
Theme of the Month

July Theme of the Month

Yoga Herts Posted by Yoga Herts on
Sunday 4 July 2021

The next two months theme will focus on using yoga to maintain a healthy back. The health of your spine is the key to the health of your whole body.

Yoga For A Healthy Back

We will use yoga poses and sequences to improve and maintain healthy movement, flexibility and strength of the spine. Good spinal health can help to reduce or eliminate pain throughout the body and yoga can reduce the stress that accompanies it with calm breathing and relaxation techniques.

Week 1 - Seven movements of the spine
Week 2 - Releasing the hips and lower back
Week 3 - Strengthening the lower back
Week 4 - Release tension in the upper back
Week 5 - Targeting back pain
Week 6 - Yoga for back care - core and balance
Week 7 - Twists to increase spine mobility
Week 8 - Yoga for Better Posture

Photos From This Months Classes

July weekly class pose one
July weekly class pose two
July weekly class pose three
July weekly class pose four
July weekly class pose five
July weekly class pose six

You have to learn how to listen to your body, going with it and not against it, avoiding all effort and strain and centering your attention on that very delicate point, the back of the waist (where the spine moves in two opposite directions). You will be amazed to discover that, if you are kind to your body, it will respond in an incredible way.

This Month’s Music

Here’s the usual selection of music that Vicky has been listening to this month.

East ForestGrounded
Essie JainOpening
Ty Burhoe and Bill DouglasNew Horizon
Nitin SawhneyDayDream
Moonlight EchoesAdi Shakti Mantra
Moonlight EchoesWonderment
Andy SalvanosPeace
Essie JainThe Rising