Sacral Chakra

Extended Sacral Chakra Yoga Class

Yoga Herts Posted by Yoga Herts on
Wednesday 31 October 2018
3 min read

The second of our once monthly extended two hour classes will be running on Sunday 25th November 2018 from 2pm - 4pm at the Nigel Copping Community Building in Stanstead Abbotts.

These classes all have a theme related to each of the seven main Chakras.

Class Two - The Sacral Chakra

This second class will be focusing on the Sacral Chakra also known as Svadhisthana. Physically it’s located at the lower abdomen between the belly button and the pubic bone.

The Sacral Chakra colour is orange and it is related to the element of water which is associated with flowing movements and being adapatable to change.

As such we’ll be looking at flowing yoga sequences that will help to stimulate the circulation, and bring about a sense of creative expression through movement and energy.

We will also look at the Bija Mantra (a one syllable sound, vam) which activates the energy of the Chakras, and also hand mudras and a meditation connected to the water element.

The second part of the class will wind down and focus on hip releasing Yin/Restorative poses with the support of props, which will lead us into a therapeutic relaxation and Savasana.

Octobers class went really well, and gives us all something to think about of how these aspects of the yoga practice can really benefit our everyday lives.

Here are some pictures taken just before last months class.

Root Chakra class
Root Chakra class
Root Chakra class
Root Chakra class
Root Chakra class

The Seven Chakras

Bridge over the River Lea

There are seven main chakras in the body which run from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Chakras are subtle energy centres in the body where energy flows through. Each Chakra is connected to our emotional, physical, mental and spiritual spaces and through our yoga practice we can bring these energy systems back into balance.

The Venue

The Nigel Copping Building, Stanstead Abbotts is a great place for an extended class like this. The hall is large, clean and bright, and is only a short walk from the small town which has a pub at either end. It’s set in a lovely spot next to the river Lee if you fancy a walk before or after the class. Hoddesdon, Hertford and Ware are all just a five, ten and fifteen minute drive away repectively.

The River Lea Stanstead Abbotts
The River Lea Stanstead Abbotts
The River Lea Stanstead Abbotts
The River Lea Stanstead Abbotts

Information & Contact

Date: Sunday 25th November from 2:00pm - 4:00pm.
Address: Nigel Copping Community Building, Sanville Gardens, Stanstead Abbotts, SG12 8GA.
Parking: Car park at rear of building for venue patrons.
Additional Information: Please use the front entrance.
Click here for directions

Nigel Copping Building
Nigel Copping Building

Class price £18

The Extended Sacral Chakra Class is limited to fifteen spaces.

If you would like to book a space please get in touch using either of the methods below, or you can always talk to us in class, or take a flyer.

There won’t be an extended class in December but there will be in January 2019.