About Me

Vicky Salter

My name is Vicky Salter. During the twenty five years I have been practising yoga I've been lucky to find some wonderful teachers to practice and study with throughout various styles.

I first came across yoga when I was exploring ways to keep fit, and from that very first class I knew that it was something special and really appealed to me. Yoga is much more than just another form of exercise.

Yoga is a journey to explore not only the yoga postures and their extensive benefits but also to be able to use breathing and relaxation techniques to bring together the mind, body and spirit. By practising yoga, you can start to incorporate it into your everyday life and start living a healthy well balanced lifestyle.

I completed the British Wheel of Yoga (BWY) Foundation Course in 2013 with Mohini Chatlani and completed the British Wheel of Yoga 500 Hours Teaching Diploma course with Belinda Emberson in July 2017. I have been a yoga teacher now for twelve years.

I regularly attend various workshops and in-service training days run by the BWY with inspiring teachers so that I can gain further knowledge about all aspects of practising and teaching yoga. Through my teaching I am able to share this knowledge and pass on the benefits of yoga which is a wonderful experience.

I believe that yoga should be accessible to everyone. By using modifications in poses and with the use of props like blocks and belts, then we can all work safely within our own limitations and abilities. Just because we know what a certain pose looks like in books, by breaking it down and modifying a pose everybody can do yoga and still enjoy all the wonderful benefits that it brings.

BWY Representative For Hertfordshire

Between June 2019 and 2020 I was proud to be the British Wheel of Yoga Representative for Hertfordshire, with my partner Richard also representing the BWY as Event Organiser.

Boat Pose


Navasana is a strong, challenging seated balance pose. It strengthens and tones the abdominal organs and works the muscles of the lower back. Develops focus and concentration.

Bound Angle Pose

Bound Angle

Baddha Konasana is an excellent hip opener. This seated pose stretches the adductor muscles of the inner thigh, groin, and ankles. Helps prepare hips for seated poses.

Bridge Pose


Setu Bandha Sarvangasana is a backbend that strengthens and opens the chest, hips, lumbar spine and front of the thighs. Helps to prepare you for stronger backbend.

Camel Pose


Ustrasana is a backbend that stretches the front of the body. It works the shoulders, opens the chest and helps to keep the lower back flexible. Stretches the ankles thighs and the groin.

Chair Pose


Utkatasana is a very powerful, standing/squatting pose that works the muscles of the legs and arms and stimulates the heart and the diaphragm. It also increases your stamina.

Cobra Pose


Bhujangasana is a prone backbend which works the shoulders, chest and lengthens the spine. The shape of this pose from head to toe resembles the shape of a Cobra.

Cow Face Pose

Cow Face

Gomukhasana resembles the face of a cow with the feet forming the horns and the knees creating the mouth. It is good for opening the hips, shoulders, chest and thoracic spine.

Downward Dog Pose

Downward Dog

Adho Mukha Svanasana. This inversion pose resembles a dog stretching. The spine, hamstrings and shoulders are all stretched. It is a restorative and rejuvenating pose.

Eagle Pose


Garudasana is a challenging standing balance pose. It strengthens the ankles and is excellent for releasing tightness in the shoulders. The name refers to the mythical king of birds.

Gate Pose


Parighasana stretches the sides of the body and is helpful for toning the abdominal muscles, improving circulation and increasing spinal flexibility. It can improve breathing capacity.

Half Spinal Twist Pose

Half Spinal Twist

Ardha Matsyendrasana. A seated spinal twist increases spinal flexibility and range of motion. It opens the chest and increases the oxygen supply to the lungs. Can improve digestion.

Head Knee Pose

Head Knee

Janu Sirsasana is a seated forward bend that increases flexibility and stretches your spine, back muscles, groin and hamstrings. It stimulates the internal organs and can aid digestion.

Plough Pose


Halasana is a folded over inversion. It is rejuvenating to the entire nervous system. The spine is stretched and the abdominal organs are contracted and toned.

Tree Pose


Vrksasana is a standing balance on one foot with the standing leg resembling the trunk and the arms resembling the branches of a tree. Helps to improve focus and concentration.

Upward Bow Pose

Upward Bow

Urdhva Dhanurasana is a strong backbend that works every muscle in the body. Opens the front of the body whilst stretching the spine. Requires good shoulder flexibility and strength.

Warrior Pose


Vrksasana is a standing balance on one foot with the standing leg resembling the trunk and the arms resembling the branches of a tree. Helps to improve focus and concentration.