The second of our ongoing allotment diaries. Read inside to see what we got up to throughout January...
Using quotes from B.K.S. Iyengar around which to theme our classes during February...
We thought we'd keep a diary as we clear our new allotment plot for you to look at if you're interested...
We look at Yoga for self exploration and discovering your true self throughout January...
Christmas class dates for December and the New Year...
Yoga to nurture and nourish through December in the run up to Christmas...
Keeping it simple throughout November...
As we head into the Autumn months we look to slow down, stay grounded and focus...
Using belts in class throughout September to aid and deepen your practice...
There are some upcoming dates where we won't be teaching any classes, have a read inside for more information...
Continuing the Koshas throughout the rest of August...