We’re really pleased to announce we’re running a charity yoga event this year. The event will take place at The Nigel Copping Building in Stanstead Abbotts on Sunday 23rd June from 2 - 5pm.
The afternoon will consist of a yoga class, gong bath and raffle, with all the proceeds going to the Isabel Hospice in Welwyn Garden City.
It’s hard to put into words the work Hospices do when a loved one needs that level of care, and most of you will have been affected either directly or indirectly at some point in your lives.
We really want the afternoon to bring people together from all our classes, and give those that would like to the chance to remember loved ones through one common interest — yoga.
It would be great to see you if you can make it. There are some great prizes in the raffle too, so well worth buying a couple of tickets even if you can’t make the event, and will raise some money for the hospice. We really do want this to be an enjoyable afternoon for everyone.
We’d also would really like to thank everyone at Nigel Copping Building for kindly donating the hall for the whole afternoon for free. We are very grateful…
Yoga Class With Vicky
2:00 - 2:55pm
The afternoon will start off with a yoga class focusing on back bends and chest/shoulder openers. Backbends can help to energise you, stretch out the body and help you feel nourished and uplifted.
Find joy in opening up the body as we share this special afternoon class together!
Gong Bath With Dipika Jinabhai
3:05 - 3:55pm
After a short break there will be a gong bath by British Wheel of Yoga Instructor, and Vicky’s friend, Dipika Jinabhai.
Dipika has very kindly offered her time for free, and we’re really grateful and are sure you will all enjoy her gong bath.

What happens during a gong bath/gong meditation/sound bath?
There is no water involved. It is called a gong bath because you will be bathed in therapeutic sound vibrations from the sidereal moon gong as well as other healing instruments such the Himalayan singing bowl and chimes.
You don’t have to do anything except lie back and listen to the sounds and let them take you on a magical relaxing journey.
A gong bath will increase your theta brain waves causing deep meditation and psychic awareness. Each cell in the body will feel the harmonising vibrations therefore encouraging our innate ability to self-heal.
Benefits of a gong bath?
Reduce Stress
What to bring with you?*
Although mats, blankets and blocks will be provided, please feel free to bring an extra blanket, and also a pillow if you’d like, as you will be lying down a long time and will cool down. If you have an eye pillow, those are good to bring too.
Who is it not suitable for?
It is not advised for people with audiogenic epilepsy, tinnitus or if you are in your first trimester of pregnancy.
The Raffle
4:15pm - 5:00pm
Once everyone has woken up from their gong bath and grabbed a little snack, then we’ll start the raffle…
We’d just like to say an enormous thanks to all the companies that donated to the raffle. They were all incredibly kind, and easy to deal with. Their donations will surely raise a few smiles on the day, and help generate some money for a worthwhile cause.
Finally we’d like to thank Suzi Zemenides from our Cedars Park class who has also kindly bought and donated a purple bolster to the raffle too.
Thank you all so very very much.
That means there are loads of fantastic yoga related prizes for you to win on the day, and we hope it might make you want to buy one or two tickets (or even more), especially when you look through the list below. We really are lucky.
Please click the button below to have a look through what you might be able to win in the raffle.

Charity Yoga Event
Date: Sunday 23rd June 2019 2pm - 5pm
Venue: Nigel Copping Building, Stanstead Abbotts, SG12 8GA.
Available Spaces: 32
Ticket Price: £25
Raffle Tickets:
£5 each or three for £12. Available at our regular classes, or on the day.
Win A Liforme Travel Mat

Ticket price includes yoga class, gong bath and goodie bag kindly donated by Planet Organic, and also the chance to win the Liforme Travel Mat for event attendees only, so kindly donated by Liforme.

Thanks to Ape Snacks, Urban Fruit, Clearspring, Eat Natural, Kind Snacks, Jumble Bee, Moo Free, Natural Balance Foods, Spare Snacks and Waitrose who have all kindly donated some snacks and light refreshments for you to enjoy during the afternoon.
Please book a space online or get in touch if you have any questions.
If you come to our regular classes, you can pay in class and we’ll reserve a space for you (this will save a small booking fee).
Please note that refunds won’t be given for this event as it’s for charity so please be certain you can come before booking.
Just Giving Page
If yoga isn’t your thing and you don’t want to come, or can’t make the charity event, please feel free to donate to our Just Giving Page below.

There’s free parking for 16 cars at the venue, and also free Sunday parking a short walk away in town here. There is also parking in the street next to the venue too.